[Review] Magnolia Tissue Oil


A month ago I decided to buy and try out the Magnolia tissue oil which is enriched with Vitamin E oil, Bio-pharm oil and is formulated for all skin types plus it promised to minimise the appearance of scars and stretchmarks.

Since I been using it Im starting to see the difference on my skin especially on my tummy area where I had major stretchmarks after the birth of my boy. I use it in many ways now including as a •Bath and in-shower oil
which helps hydrate my skin and give a beautiful glow,
•Night time Face oil
It repairs and balances my oily/ dry combination skin and helps it look alive in the mornings
•Massage oil
My boo would attest to this one as its one of his favourite when I mention a massage he rushes for this oil and its made his skin smooth and glowing. This tissue oil surprised me especially for its price. Im gonna stick with it forever its a true definition of ‘Genie in a bottle’.

My Women’s day



I had a lovely women’s day. I spent my day with the love of my life and his friends. I am very lucky to have him and surely him for me 🙂

He is everything I’ve ever dreamed my man to be. He motivates me, he encourages me to be the better and the best version of myself. He brings the best out of me. He’s taught me to forgive and let go of things I can never change. He is the very first person I’ve loved without guarding my heart and thinking I’ll get hurt. I thank God for him.

Happy Women’s day ladies, this whole month is still all ours.


Meet my boo, Sanga. He’s the man behind my never ending smiles

The only time I felt I loved a person this much was the time I first held my baby boy in my hands, now I get these feelings everyday with Sanga in my life too. Much love everyone.

All I want to share with the world